‘Snowmeo and Julinest’ review
‘truly was a snow-stopping experience!’
Snowmeo and Julinest, a first-time devised show presented by South College’s Oswald’s Players and John Snow’s Snow-Globe Theatre Companies, truly captivates the audience in its comic, university-themed interpretation of the Shakespearean tragedy Romeo and Juliet. From the collaborative script to the clear directorial decisions, the atmosphere was instantly explicit and allowed the cast to continuously build on the humour. Throughout the play, the conflict of the two college-crossed lovers was mirrored in the split stage lighting (designed by Tom Rickman), illuminating one half in a purple colour representing South College, and the other a shade of blue for John Snow.
The acting was a particular strength of this production, indicating to the audience that the play was not intended to be taken seriously, and the light-hearted nature of the performances allowed the audience to relax into the comic chaos. Maisie Donohue, a particular stand-out in the cast, began and finished the show in a narrative form, immediately drawing the audience in with her impeccable stage presence, and comedic timing. Ben Mitchell, despite multi-rolling, was clear in his intentions throughout, distinguishing flawlessly between characters, which made him incredibly engaging to watch. Clem Charles, Laura Turnbull and Ruby Briggs had beautiful chemistry and ensured the humour of Snowmeo and Julinest never dissipated. Sanika Samel, as Julinest, shone in her role as a Durham Fresher, and despite being occasionally quiet in her dialogue, her ingenue-like character was presented phenomenally. Jack Radcliffe, as Snowmeo was equally as satisfying to watch, with each moment having thorough intentions, remarkable comedic timing and unstoppable enthusiasm.
The co-directors, Lulu Dodds and Abigail Clay, must be commended on their brilliant incorporation of Romeo and Juliet inspired moments, such as a scene remarkably reminiscent of the iconic balcony scene. It would have been wonderful to see more elaborate costumes, but the simplistic set and mimed props worked incredibly effectively to reinforce the comedic genre of the piece. The Production Manager Jake Holding created a simple, yet incredibly effective atmosphere with signs underlining the stage, each with a reference to one of the two colleges.
The script complimented the actors' comedic abilities and mirrored common university situations, which was perfectly targeted for their student audience to feel a sense of relatability. The hour run-time was ideal, allowing the entire story to be told at a fast pace, which ensured that the energy (and oftentimes melodrama) was well-maintained throughout. The collaboration between the creative team and the cast allowed for an entertaining evening for everybody involved.
From physical theatre to boxing college mascots, Snowmeo and Julinest truly was a snow-stopping experience!
By Alice Toner.
Snowmeo and Julinest is showing on Monday 17th March at 19:00 in the Mount Oswald Hub.