DST First Night Reviews
‘St. Mary’s College 125th Anniversary Play’
‘a community feeling that extends towards the audience and lead alike’. Ashley Zhou reviews the St Mary’s 125th Anniversary Play!
‘The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole: The Musical’ review
‘I had a great time watching Adrien Mole, and would be very surprised if anyone in the audience came out feeling any other way.’ Horatio Holloway reviews The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole: The Musical!
‘Snowmeo and Julinest’ review
‘a snow-stopping experience!’. Alice Toner reviews Snowmeo and Julinest!
‘Hill vs Bailey’ review
‘a perfectly joyous time’. Ashley Zhou reviews Shellshock’s annual ‘Hill vs Bailey’.
‘Romeo and Juliet’ review
‘Truly, it drips with passion.’ Tabitha Lanyon reviews Romeo and Juliet.
‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ review
‘To miss out on Jesus Christ Superstar would be the mistake of a lifetime.’ Read Lauren Williams’ review of Jesus Christ Superstar!
South College Performing Arts showcase review
‘The entirety of South College Performing Arts Showcase should be immensely proud.’ Read Lottie Goldthorpe’s review of the South College Performing Arts showcase!
‘The Little Mermaid’ review
‘breathtaking both in its heartfelt performance and stunning atmosphere, and in the sense that you’ll have no breath left from laughing too much!’ Read the review for The Little Mermaid!
‘Sick Dog’ and ‘I Can’t Stop the Loneliness’ double bill review
‘a tour-de-force by all involved’; ‘a whole lot of technical skill and a lot of brilliant and beautiful things to say’. Read Laurence Davidson’s review of the student writing double bill!
‘Iolanthe’ review
‘a production which not only showcased the phenomenal musical ability of the performers, but also endowed a beloved opera with the comedy which Gilbert and Sullivan intended and deserved.’ Read Alice Barr’s review of Iolanthe!
‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ review
‘Slick, professional and evocative, there isn’t a moment where Gilchrist’s vision wavers.’ Nat Pryke reviews A Streetcar Named Desire.
DDF Mark Hillery programme review
‘The level of accomplishment in this student-written show can be described as no less than exciting’…’an astounding feat of student-written theatre, and I sincerely hope all involved will reap consummate reward’…’ a fun-filled and endearing adventure full of twists and turns’. Emi Sharples reviews The Magical MacGuffin, Strange Young Girls, and ICEMAN!
DDF Assembly Rooms programme review
‘I reckon DDF is in safe hands for another fifty years.’ Bea Pescott-Khan reviews Believers, Jordan is Not Present, and Secret Admirers!
DDF Mount Oswald programme review
‘Vibrant, shocking and rippling with fun’. Tabitha Lanyon reviews Blood Upon the Dry Land, Soror, and Aftertaste!
‘Taskmaster Durham’ review
‘an absolute tonic of a night-out, and the perfect cure for mid-term blues! ‘ Maariya Khalid reviews ‘Taskmaster Durham’!
‘The Addams Family’ review
‘A dark moody humorous performance with unique moments of sheer joy’. Zac Smith reviews The Addams Family!
‘Pride and Prejudice’ review
‘a remarkable production to celebrate Valentine’s Day, and to commemorate 250 years of Jane Austen!’ Read Tanuja Hanmantgad’s review of Pride and Prejudice!
The Finalists’ Showcase 2025 review
‘a suitably excellent way to crown their achievements as members of DST.’ Ollie Cochran reviews the 2025 Finalists’ Showcase.
ComedyFest 2025 review
‘Never did I think I would hear the line, ‘You’re a Mr Muscle whore’ on the gala stage, but I did, and it was fantastic.’ Nell Hickson reviews ComedyFest 2025!
‘February Story’ review
‘an intimate tapestry of a play, full of sincerity and warmth’. Read Tabitha Lanyon’s review for February Story!