DST First Night Reviews
‘Lettice and Lovage’ review
‘Enlarge, enliven and enlighten’, well this performance certainly did all that. Read Katie Bainbridge’s review for Lettice and Lovage.
‘Crazy For You’ review
‘an absolute belter of a night out.’ Read Laurence Davidson’s Crazy For You review!
‘Black Comedy’ and ‘White Liars’ double bill review
‘undoubtedly one of, if not, the funniest, theatrical experiences I’ve encountered in Durham!’ Jacob Vellucci reviews Pitch Productions’ farce double bill!
‘Everything Means Nothing to Me’ review
‘inspired me to go and listen to Elliott Smith’s music further: the mark of a very good tribute play.’ Neve Kidson reviews Horatio Holloway’s Everything Means Nothing to Me.
‘The Truth’ review
‘From the fantastic performances to the well thought and creatively designed set, lights, and sound, you would truly be missing out if you do not go watch!’ Read the review for The Truth!
‘The Last 5 Years’ review (cast 2)
‘an undeniably spectacular piece of theatre’. Lucy Paget reviews the alternate cast of The Last 5 Years!
‘The Last 5 Years’ review (cast 1)
‘a heartfelt performance capable of reaching out to an audience compelled by its potential relatability and pure humanity.’ Arthur Hamilton reviews The Last 5 Years.
‘Doctor Faustus’ review
‘I think Christopher himself would be proud.’ Read the review of this term’s final production, Doctor Faustus!
‘Merry DUMT-mas’ review
‘a fantastic first show for the new DUMT troupe’. Read Ollie Cochran’s review of ‘Merry DUMT-mas’!
‘Laugh Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’ review
‘this was my first time attending an improvised comedy, it has set the bar high’. Abby Clay reviews Shellshock’s Christmas improv show!
‘Bonnie and Clyde’ review
‘a heart-rendering reminder of why musical theatre continues to be so beloved.‘ Laurence Davidson reviews Bonnie and Clyde.
‘A Christmas Carol’ review
‘a brilliantly talented group of people were able to make magic happen’. Laurence Davidson reviews ‘A Christmas Carol’!
‘1984’ review
‘real ingenuity, creativity and flair’; ‘immersive atmosphere’. Horatio Holloway reviews 1984.
‘Merrily We Roll Along’ review
‘It is impossible to leave the theatre feeling the same way about life as you came in..a motivator for the arts, connection and passion’. Arthur Hamilton reviews Merrily We Roll Along.
‘Sex Cells’ review
‘strong and creative show…that encourages us to exercise compassion and empathy.’ Linus Cheung reviews Sex Cells!
‘Myths and Legends: The Intercollegiate Showcase’ review
‘a great performance, for a great cause’. Abby Clay reviews this instalment of the annual Intercollegiate Showcase!
DUCT Classical Acting Showcase review
‘Everyone involved in this production should be incredibly proud.’ Olivia Higgins-Darby Reviews the Classical Acting Showcase.
‘How Love is Spelt’ review
‘I recommend it without hesitation’. Horatio Holloway reviews ‘How Love is Spelt’.
‘9 to 5’ review
‘one of, if not the best shows, I have seen in the Assembly Rooms Theatre’. Olivia Shelley reviews 9 to 5!
‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ review
‘Everyone on stage seemed to be having as much fun as the audience, which was refreshing.’ Annabelle Langley reviews Jack and the Beanstalk.